Hearing and Telling Myths
During both weeks, we listened to the myths of many cultures that we visited during our time. We heard the Haudenausonee creation story, in which our world is created on the back of a turtle, and the Egyptian tale of Horus and Set’s long struggle over who would be King of Egypt. We heard about […]
Mongolian Nature Offering
Through our weeks, we have visited world cultures that show strong reverence towards nature. As we reviewed these teachings, we discussed how easy it is to feel disconnected from nature in our modern worlds. We talked about the importance of slowing down to experience gratitude for the ever-generous natural world, and of giving back to […]
Alchemy and Symbolism
We travelled to Europe to examine the mysterious alchemical art of the Renaissance period, in hopes of deciphering some of its symbolism. We learned that the word “alchemy” and “chemistry” originated from the ancient name for Egypt, “Kemet”, where early Egyptian alchemists experimented with the art of transformation. We discovered that alchemists attempt to understand […]
Close to our Spark Spot is a place we like to call Berry Zone, in which hundreds of blackberries grow! Throughout our time together we got to visit Berry Zone to forage for wild blackberries to use for crafts.
Run and Scream
We played many rounds of a wildly cathartic Native American game called Run and Scream. With one deep breath, we ran and screamed with all our might, sticks in hand. Where our breaths ended, we stopped and stuck our sticks in the ground. The person whose stick is placed furthest wins Run and Scream!
Wall hangings, weaving, macrame
Some of us practiced macrame knotting to create decorative wall hangings. We learned how to create square knots, spiral knots and apply weaving techniques to our pieces
The Art of Huichol Beading
We learned about the Huichol peoples in Mexico and some of their beliefs and practices to honor nature and the spirit world. We learned about the role of the shaman, as messenger between the spirit and human world. After looking at important figures in Huichol life, such as the deer, eagle, corn and cactus, we […]
Stitching Japanese Sachiko Panels
We learned about Sashiko embroidery, a Japanese stitching method historically used by people who could not afford new clothing and would use stitching to strengthen broken fabric. Traditionally, sashiko-stitched symbols have also been used to give talismanic protection to the wearer. After tracing our selected patterns onto fabric, we learned to use a continuous line […]